Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Scientific Notation and Engineering Notation

the difference is in what restrictions are placed upon the various 

   Example:  -14778.21 
   Scientific Notation:  -1.477821 x 10^4
   This number is of the form A x 10^p, where A is between 1.0 and
   10.0 (or between -1.0 and -10.0), and p is an integer.

   Engineering Notation:  -14.77821 x 10^3
   This number is of the form A x 10^p, where A is between 1.0 and
   1000.0 (or between -1.0 and -1000.0), and p is a multiple of 3.
   Example:  75000
   Scientific Notation: 7.5 X 10^4
   Engineering Notation: 75 X 10^3 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Converting Binary to decimal, hex,octal

Numbering System

Layered Architecture Table

Level 0
Digital logic
·     Contains digital circuits, consisting of gates and wires
·     Implements mathematical logic of all other level.
Level 1
·     Control unit decodes and executes instructions and moves data through the system
Level 2
·     Also known as Instruction Set Architecture level
·     Consists of instructions that are particular to the architecture of the machine
Level 3
Systems Software
·     Consists of Operating System and Compliers, interpreters and assemblers
Level 4
Assembly language
·     Acts upon assembled language from level 5

Level 5
High-level language
·     The level in which programmers write programs, e.g. Java, C++, etc.
Level 6
·     Program execution and user interface

       Level 6: User
       Program execution and user interface
       The level with which we are most familiar
       Level 5: High-Level Language
       The level with which we interact when we write programs in languages such as C, C++, Lisp, and Java
       Level 4: Assembly Language
       Acts upon assembled (compiled) language produced from Level 5
       Acts upon instructions programmed directly at this level
       Level 3: System Software
       Operating system
       Controls executing processes on the system
       Protects system resources
       Compilers, interpreters and assemblers
       Translate programs into machine language
       Responsible for multiprogramming, protecting memory, synchronizing processes etc.
       Level 2: Machine
       Also known as the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Level
       Machine Language - programs written in machine language on a hardwired computer can be executed directly through the electronic circuit without interpreters, translators or compilers.
       Level 1: Control Unit
       Decodes and executes instructions
       Interprets the machine instructions passed to it, one at a time, from the level above, causing the required actions to take place.
       Moves data through the system
       Level 0: Digital Logic
       Where we find the physical components of the computer system: the digital circuits (the chips), which consist of gates and wires
       Common to all systems.

Fetch , Decode , Execute

-Keyboard because you type letters into it...
-Mouse because you give command to the computer
-Tablet? if you have one...just like mouse but controlled by pen rather than mouse
-Microphone...because you can speak into it

-Screen...regardless of it being LCD or CRT they all show the UI (user interface)
-Speakers because sound come out of it for you to hear
-Printer because it turns soft copy into hard copy...on a piece of paper

-Central Processing Unit aka CPU which is the brain of the computer
-Graphical Processing Unit aka GPU which is the graphical brain of the computer

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Basic troubleshooting

Basic troubleshooting
No sound!

1.      Damaged speakers.
2.      No sound driver.

3.      The speaker is not plugged.
4.      Sound card damaged.

1.      Buy new speakers.

2.      Install sound driver.

3.      Plug –in speaker cable.

4.      Replace the sound card.
Noisy Fan !
The computer fan located inside the computer case, fan main job is to cool the computer components and reduce heat generated by the CPU and Power supply.
Noisy fan indicate that the fan not working correctly which means that the heat might be building in the computer, or the fan maybe dirty.
Solution :
1-      Clean the CPU fan , and clean the power Supply fan .
2-      If the noise still continues , replace the CPU fan .
3-      If the noise still persists , replace the power supply fan.
Computer or laptop without CD/DVD ROM .

Solution :
-          Use other storage devices such as flash USB memory 
-          Use external optical drive , similar to the built-in drive
-          Install CD/DVD ROM driver